
What is Stunting?


1. To be fronting, somewhat like a poser

2. To be acting like a stunna or stunner

"and I be stuntin like my daddy, stuntin' like my daddy...

I'm the-- young stunna, stuntin' like my daddy"

--Lil Wayne ("Stunting Like My Daddy")

See fronting, poser, stunna, stunner, fronta, Sara


v. to make plans and not stick to them; to say one thing, and not stay loyal to just that.

-The frustrated man, finally gave up waiting on a female to call him back after she said she was going to, the bitch stunted on him.

- the girls was supposed to have a fun night out, but the girl that drives was feeling a little "under the weather" (supposedly), rather than let her friends know of the unfortunate event, she decided to ignore their phone calls, the bitch stunted on them.

- at 730 a female told her male friend that she was going out to eat with a few friends, and invited him to come along and they was leaving at 830. come 845 the male is waiting for that phone call, little did he know.......THE BITCH STUNTED ON HIM!! -StoP StuntinG!!

See lie, ignore, stop


Someone who is pretending to be something they are not i.e. posing.

Damn girl, I need to find a nigga that ain't a mother flippin' playa who be stuntin'.


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