Stuntman Shot

What is Stuntman Shot?


Made popular by rugby players, the stuntman shot is the baddest ass shot you will ever take. You snort a line of salt, followed by a shot of tequilla. You then squeeze lime juice into the eye and take a punch to the face from an opposing teams (or a friend if youre not a rugger) player.

Dude, Larry was fucked up after a few stuntman shots!

See stuntman, stunt man, shot


A type of alcohol shot originating from Minneapolis.

Step 1: Snort a line of Salt up your nose.

Step 2: Drink a shot of the worst possible tequila the bar has.

Step 3: Squirt a lemon in your eye, hence making you completely forget about the salt in your nose and terrible tequila taste.

I went to Minneapolis last week and I was introduced to the stuntman shot. It's hardcore.

See alcohol, shot, stunt, crazy, minneapolis


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