Stupid Ass

What is Stupid Ass?


This is a person who is a jackass. He/she does not know what they are doing even when someone tells them. They pretend they are cool but dont realize the group which he is popular in only exists in his mind. They tend to come in peoples rooms and touch everything as if they have a compulsive disorder.

Jin-woo, student who failed semesters at Frostburg State University

See Rabbit


A complete idiot, That never thinks before they talk and they're supposed to be smart but choose to be dumb

Jake: Hi, How was your day?

Andrea: Oh ma gawwwwd i got hit with a rock and then....i cried because no one likes me.

Jake: You Stupid Ass!

See stupid ass, idiot, dumbass, retard


A Person Who Is Stupid like thier ass.

That DickIs an Stupid Ass. Damn Your a stupid ass

See asshole, nigga, a-hole


Dumb fuckers who use words like "lolz, omgz, lawlz, kewl, kool, wuz, cuz, iz, az, alwayz, etc"

Im a stupid ass cuz I uz wordz like lolz.

See dumb, stupid, idiot, dumbfuck, dumbass, douchebag


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