Stupid Face

What is Stupid Face?


a very stupid person who wouldn't understand just being called stupid; commonly used for the stupidest people you will ever know who would try forever to figure out what the deviation between stupid and stupid face the way, there is NONE.

You are such a stupid face, stupid face!


when a girl is giving you head and you unexpectedly ram your penis as far as it will go and she will create a kodak moment stupid face

kayla was giving me head on the hill and i made her stupid face-Tyler

See head, blowjob, hideous


Face you give to stupid people.

Caroline gave the stupid face to Naomi and told her to take a shower.


an acronym for "smelly tigers unfortified poop issuganamanala dufus freedom acne colorific eeeeeeeee"

or a stupid person w/ a face

You are a stupid face


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