Stupid Hot

What is Stupid Hot?


When it's so hot outside, that it's just fucking stupid. Anyone who lives south of San Antonio knows what i'm talking about.

Person 1: What's the weather going to be like tomorrow?

Person 2: The forecast said it would be stupid hot tomorrow, and for the rest of the summer.

Person 1: Fuck

See stupid, hot, heat, hell, scorching


Person who is gorgeous but should never open their mouths to talk. Usually amazing lovers.

My god he is stupid hot, great in bed but I never want him to talk.

See stupid, hot, men, gorgeous, lovers


describes an unintelligent person (usually female) of ample physical attraction that is somehow hotter still due to their apparant lack of intelligence -- possibly because they are potentially easier to take advantage of

source unknown

Guy A: omg, she`s so hot it hurts

Guy B: maybe, but she`s also an idiot

Guy A: oh yeah, she`s stupid hot...

See hot, smokin, smoking, gorgeous, beautiful


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