What is Stupid Liberal?
An idiot who attacks the American right with false, unkind rumors and lies. A left-winger that will do anything to prevent Conservatives from TALKING, including the employing of tactics such as unplugging a reporter's microphone, screaming and yelling at a Republican so they can't get a word in edgewise, ect.
For the best examples of a stupid liberal, see Dr. Truth and Brooklynguy.
Simply a synonym for
The stupid liberal wasted his vote on John Kerry.
Just another Liberal.
That stupid liberal believes that making the government control people's wealth, guns and religion equals freedom!
The appropriate name for any
She actually voted yes on the same-sex marriage amendment AND wants higher taxes? Stupid liberal.
A liberal who attacks a conservative for not agreeing with everything they say. You will often find them accusing Republicans of being ignorant racists who ignore the poor because they're so greedy, but in reality, they're just too narrow-minded to understand their point of view.
Thankfully, however, there are smart liberals, someone who merely disagrees with the opinions that differ from theirs, and respects them as well.
stupid liberal: Jamie's such a dumbass. She considers herself a Republican, can you believe that?
smart liberal: Actually, Jamie's really smart. She has a wide vocabulary, is good at physics, and plans to major in psychology when she graduates from high school. I consider myself a Democrat, but just because she holds opinions that oppose my own doesn't make her stupid.
Someone with the opinion of regulation of happiness through use of the tax code. Regulating rewards and punishments based on what ever point of view they do or don’t agree with
A stupid liberal would say "We don't like that so we will tax you for it."
An oxymoron. See smart republican.My uncle said John Kerry was a war hero and would make an excellent commander in chief in comparison to George W. Bush, who dodged service in 'Nam and snorted cocaine. What a stupid liberal.