
What is Stush?


a girl or boy who acts/says they are buff/hot/kriss. may lead others along then let them down.

Stush girl: mmmm...maybe another time

rejected boy: cmon girl, why you so stush


(adj) Conceited, superior, having an air of bitchy hauteur particularly with regard to personal appearance - but with good reason.

Mary looked fabulous but nobody talked to her because she was all stush.

Don't get stush with me - I knew you before your lipo, ok?

See arrogant, conceited, attitude, sean white


The traveller who at the present day is content to travel in the good old Asiatic style, neither rushed along by a locomotive, nor dragged by a stage-coach; who is willing to enjoy hospitalities at far-scattered farmhouses, instead of paying his bill at an inn; who is not to be frightened by any amount of loneliness, or to be deterred by the roughest roads or the highest hills; such a traveller in the eastern part of Berkshire, Massachusetts, will find ample food for poetic reflection in the singular scenery of a country, which, owing to the ruggedness of the soil and its lying out of the track of all public conveyances, remains almost as unknown to the general tourist as the interior of Bohemia.

I wish i could be more of a Stush

See vagabond, ramblin man, hobo, wanderer, seeker


(adj) Conceited, superior, having an air of bitchy hauteur particularly with regard to personal appearance - but with good reason.

-Wrong,this was almost right,a stush person acts conceited and believes he/she is superior,etc,particularly with regards to personal appearance,but infact they look a foolnot with good reason.They probably spent a fortune on their appearance/clothes but wear all the wrong things!

eg:A man with a gaytail (bleached mullet),pink shirt,ripped jeans,shoes,sweatband,etc is stush,he believes he looks incredible,infact he looks like an ugly woman.

means a girl that thinks she's all that and a bag of potato chips and that every guy wants a bit of her ass

-Sort of correct,exactly the same as above statement,but for women,the sort of dozy mare wearing her jeans tucked into her boots,unsexy shoes or clothes,or whatever a Z-list celeb has been spotted wearing in Heat magazine but thinks she's all that,the stush part is that the person believes they are all that when really they are not they just attract a stush member of the opposite sex.

paris hilton is stush

-That's the part that is incorrect sort of,going by above description,Paris Hilton is genuinely hot not stush.

But stush has a double meaning,because although the above is true you can also use the word stush as a jokey compliment:

a girl/boy has dressed up smart for their prom and you can say:

"look at you all looking stush/all stushed up"

See smart, fool, ponce, twat


another term for stupid girls wanting to be the hot stuffof the school

"Headline: Fuglyho makes stush of herself"

See idiot, imbecile, duh, stupid, moron


means a girl that thinks she's all that and a bag of potato chips and that every guy wants a bit of her ass

paris hilton is stush


Another word for sexy/ buff/ hot

Used in reference to another person

Another word for something good

1a- Girl: Damn, that boi is stush

b-Boy: dat girl's ass is stush!

2- Bobby valentino's new track is stush


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