
What is Styll?

1. slang ... means "though"

t.o alwayz holdin it down .. reppin fo lyfe seen !

"yo da new album aint as good as his first one .. i duno"

"tru it wasn't as gud...but it was hype styll."


styll means "though"

"how old isz you?"


"you look older styll.."

See dun, wat, to, write, styll


a word meaning "cool", "tight", or "awesome". Most commonly used alone rather than in a contextual sentence.

Bishop - "Dude, we are going to the Tipsy later, you coming?"

DJ - "Hell yeah man, I'll bring the handle!"

Bishop - "Styll. See you there man, text me."

See styl, still, cool, tight, awesome, sweet, nice


the nubest nub of all the nubz

"dam styll got owned by an orc pawn today" "...again?"


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