Sub Cultures

What is Sub Cultures?


Hello, today I am going to explain the many sub cultures in and around the UK.

A sub culture is defined by what style a person is usually forced to be as a teenager. In the UK there are two main sub cultures these are:

A rock music based influenced culture

A Inner city based culture

At present in 2006 the most common term for these two cultures is 'Chav' (a inner city culture) and 'Emo' (a rock music culture).

But these two sub cultures can be catorgorized further. For the rock music culture the following sub sub cultures can be catorgorized:

Grunger- Would usually wear Vans or converse shoes, denim jeans (dark blue) and a black hoodie with a band logo written on it. Enjoy old-fashioned metal music such as Nirvana and Him. See Grungerfor more detail.

Emo- This is a relatively new culture. It was originally based on self harming and depression. Emo is short for emotional rocker which describes the style of music. The music is described as Quote: 'Punk music on estrogen'. Clothing is often black with converses. See emofor more detail.

Skater - Fashion style can vary depending how grunger or indie influened they are. But it must be said that Skaters always wear skate shoes (most commonly Vans). Oh yeah, free time will always be spend skating.

Indie- I'll begin with music. In the 60's it was all about the Beatles, 70's Rolling stones, 80's the Clash, 90's Ash and 00's Feeder. Indie can also be described as punk. Indie is one of the few rock music influenced sub cultures that are not american influenced (union jack all the way!). Most commonly found at british festivals. Hard to describe fashion. See Indie

Goth- Dark, dark, dark, version of emo but without the depression. Music includes evanesance. Fashion is dark and pircings is common.

To conclude rock music influenced cultures, (without being biased) in my opinion indie is the most respected because it is never on a 'war' with another sub culture.

Inner city cultures are some of the least resepected in the UK. These cultures start in poor destricts of major cities such as London or New York. Teenagers who fall into these catorgories are often poor and get bored so they turn to crime and antisocial behavior and underage sex.

Chav's - Where do I begin? Up until 2004 this select group used to be called Townies or Rude Boys (rudies for short]. In 2004 this group had there name changed to Chav's (I belive this stands for Council Housed And Violent - which is a good description). I could go on about Chav's or townies for years, see Chav.

Yanks - Firstly I apologise is some people find this offensive. The american version of chav. But some how this culture migrated to the UK. This is all about gangs, guns, drugs, knives, rappers and black men trying to be harder than other men. In the UK this is a serious problem. This culture is a threat to society because they shoot, stab and drug people up so they earn 'respect' from their peers. I do realise though that many people who enjoy rap music and hip hop are not a threat to society - this is a sterotype.

Inner city cultures have a very unisex clothing style and listen to 'black music' i.e hip-hop, garage, rap and R'n'B.

To conclude on Sub Cultures I would like to conclude that whilst writing this I tried to put fact and not opinion. I also tried not to be biased. Whatever culture you decide is best for you as a 10 year old. Find a good one that you can enjoy for life (thats emo ruled out then hahaha). For me personally I have always been rock music influended and constanly asked where I belong in the world. Thank you for taking the time to read my description.

In 2002, when I was 11, I remember a famous occasion when I was asked: "Are you a Grunger or a rude boy?".

I said: "I don't know"

He said: "What make are your shoes?"

I said: "Addidas"

He said: "That makes you a rude boy"

I Said: "Thats nice to know"

Thats Sub Cultures my friends :)

See 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


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