What is Submariner?
From the depths of the Abyss we rise, silent and unseen. We live our lives in silence and darkness, bringing death to those that oppose the American Way. The Army may march, the Air Force will soar, and the Marines will crawl, but a Submariner is a force of nature that is unseen and unheard until it is too late. From beneith the waves we bring death from above and below. We rip the stars from the heavens to rain destruction around the world. Hidden by wave and shadow, escorted by the Leviathan, Posiedon himself bows to us. Fear us, for we are the unknown, the unknowable. We are Death.
Seaman Shmuckatelli, qualified Submarines.
*Ding Ding, Ding Ding*
(Later, on shore)
Women: Oh my god, he's got dolphins! I want him so bad, he's a submariner!
Steely eyed stern jawed salt encrusted killers from the deep, prowling seas in their sleek black messanger of death
Royal Navy Submariners eat their young, oh yeah, watch out skimmers...