
What is Suburbs?


A hellish place, where the annoyances of culture come to thrive. Monotony or race is only superceded by monotony of architecture and planning. The dwelling place of the white race - which gives birth to several otehr problems. Ignorance, boredom, and depression are all symptoms of living in the suburbs, which explains why moody rock music listened to by suburban white teenagers is so predominant; these teenagers are convinced that they want their lives to be over when in fact they live in extreme comfort, albeit banal comfort, and suffer from the belief that noone else shares in their "pain-" i.e. the pain of being made fun of in school for wearing all black and losing your girlfriend of two weeks. The urban life provides for daily excitements that prevent idiotic social subcultiures to establish that are often established in the suburbs. For example, the culture of "wiggas", predominant in every suburb, are only established because the youth who practice it are not kept in check by the daily realities of urban life, i.e., black people to show these "wiggas" how dumb they are acting. In other words, these people are bored. High school cliques do not exist in inner city schools, where I attended, due to the fact that there are much more important things to worry about living in the city rather than being a "jock", a "prep", a "nerd", or a "skater". In fact, all students were united in this urban community by the fact that our lives were struggles, i.e. having only one parent, another parent in jail, drugs, welfare, violence, etc. It was not lauded and celebrated as the pop culture it has become in the suburbs, where boredom has provided for inner city life to be exalted as a means to escape the suburban monotony.

I'm bored in the suburbs, let's go act like 50 Cent.

See tenda


The endless sprawl of identikit mass produced housing that surrounds most towns and cities in the western world. Lacking the rural tranquility of the countryside and the spirit, history and community of the inner cities they are designe to enduce a life numbing stupor into it's inhabitents to keep the 'prolls' under control. Also known as concrete deserts, they are the loneliest, most soul destroying and down right dull places on the face of the planet.

Whitchurch (Bristol UK), Enfield (London), Solihull (Birmingham), Cheedle (Manchester) etc etc etc

See black flag


Shitholes found across the United States, and also other countries that support such evil entities, particularly in the western world. The suburbs are devoid of all soul, and is comprised of many, though certainly not only, boring people. Most people's justification for moving to the suburbs is that "the schools are better" for their children. Is it really worth an increase in the quality of education to deprive your children of city life, replacing it only with conformity, boredom, and other undesirable qualities?

The suburbs make me fucking sick

See suburbia, boring, shithole, suburbanite, city


seeing as i live in the suburbs, i know a thing or two:

1.things are spread apart, therefore, inconveniencing me.

2. about a 2% black rate however about a 30% middle-eastern population ( i know eh?)

3.things are more expensive, the stores all know were just rish bastards

4. this are very quiet, boring , dull

5. a place where you raise a family, then move away once the kids have reached age 10

"i hate the suburbs, theyre so dead"

" i know, i should have moved by now"


A residential area usually in the outskirts of large cities. Suburbs usually consists of predominatley white people that are middle class to upper class. Few activities to do and have many franchises(Ex. Wal Mart, Home Depot). The result of all of these bored teenagers results in stealing money from their parents and buying drugs and alcohol with it. The parents usually dont do anything about it because they are afraid what others will think of their family if they found out about it, thus the drug trafficing increases.

John is from the suburbs and he doesnt like it.

See suburbia, suburb, suburbs, outskirts, wasteland


A hellhole found just outside a city. Usually an endless row of houses with strip malls found every 2-3 miles making a car a nessecity. Houses are generally larger and newer than in the inner city. A typical suburbanite is a stuck up jack-ass. The high schools and middle schools tend to have high schools social classes (cliques) such as: preps, jocks, punk, emo, loner/solorider, geek/nerd, and burnouts/druggies. Even though cliques exist in inner city schools, they aren't over emphasized because there are better things to do. If yur new to a suburban high school, chances are you'll be ingnore by all girls and most guys. Diversity is not that great in a typical suburb (few exceptions). Most suburbs have annoying people such as wiggers who think they're hard enough to survive in a black ghetto. Druggies are also a common sight. Because there is less than nothing to do, alot of kids start experimenting with drugs and alcohol eventually become addicted. Druggies in the suburbs turn out worse than the crack-heads in the hood. This is because suburban druggies do it for fun (and there parents have alot of money for them to steal) and hoodlums do it for relive stress therefore doing less. Crime rates in the burbs can be just as high as the inner city as they will steal behind your back instead of in your face. Houses in the cities may cost more, but the competiton to have better stuff than the neighbors can cause you to have credit problems. Also that big SUV you just had to get will not be easy on your wallet. Neither will your 30 mile commute in rush-hour traffic. In conclsion, the suburbs are very bad places to live. They contribute little to the economy because they have nothing but houses, a grocery store, a few gas stations, resturaunts you would find anywhere else, and of course, a elementary, middle, and high school.

I advise you stay away from the suburbs.

See suburbia, wigger, druggie, skokie


The future ghettos of America, akin to the phenomenon of Paris. This is in part due to the modern second White Flight, as wealthy and middle class whites, particularly young whites will head to the cities seeking excitement, and will thus gentrify neighborhoods and push poorer residents outwards, leaving the inner city core wealthy and Caucasian.

Williamsburg Brooklyn is the typical inner city wealthy white neighborhood, while the suburbs of Paris France will be the future of American ghettos.

See suburb, ghetto, gentrification, white flight, whites


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