Suck Out

What is Suck Out?


telling someone where to go

originates from London

basically means to suck out some pussy

suck out WTF u on!

suck out bruv!

See suck it


When playing poker, some dumb ass that has no idea what he is doing gets lucky and ends up winning the hand by beating someone who had a much better hand.

guy 1: "I flopped a straight and some bastard turned two pair and rivered a full house!"

guy 2: "Oh man what a suck out!"


Leave me alone; I'm not bothered; Go away

"go suck out, I'm really tired"

See go away, leave, bored, alone, bye


A word a stupid chavuses to say "suck your mums pussy".

Chav:"Suck out wastegash"

*most people role there eyes at them*

See chav, pussy, loser, wastegash, wasteman


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