
What is Suckfest?


suckfest, n.

A place, idea, or state of being that completely and utterly sucks.

This class is a total suckfest


A festival of sucking (oral sex) no one is quite sure how many or what type of people constitute a suckfest, the only sure thing we know is that it involves much confusion.

Oh man...I was f-ed up last night. I drank a handle of warm Mr. Boston gin and had a suckfest in the laundromat with a couple of homeless people.

See suck, blowjob, oral, orgy, sex


An occasion or event that sucks.

My step-sister's wedding was a total suckfest.

See pity party, drag, fun, lively, good time


Place in which massive amounts of adult beverages are consumed and various adult activities take place in seclusion from outsiders. Usually filled with varied male occupants who represent hiphop to the fullest.

"Yo fellas, I'm heading to the suckfest!"

See beer, women, sex, hiphop, drunk


When a group of 3 or more people, mainly just those of the male sex engage in sexual acts involving sucking and regurgitating of seamen. Also can be used as a word that is yelled when a teacher leaves the classroom, usually by a black kid.

Teacher:"looks like we have exams today, we're all going to be in here for 3 hours today."

Doug:"Looks like it's time for a suckfest!"


Used to describe a "carnival of suckage." Can be used positively or negatively.

Man, my job is so boring it's like a suckfest!!


I had a huge suckfest with yo mama last night for only fifty cents!!

See Kyle


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