
What is Sudafed?


Brought litigation against a government official.

He was using cruel and unusual punishment, so we sudafed.

See relief, sudafed, pun, funny, fed


a decongestant pill that makes you insanely high. You feel like you're floating on a cloud, your heart feels as if it is going to beat out of your chest and you won't be able to sleep for up to 12 hours. Objects in front of you spin and everything - music, noises, people talking - seems ten times faster than usual. Really wierd.

We got no pot? Doesn't matter my mum keeps sudafed in the bathroom cabinet.

See drugs, high, pills


Brought litigation against a government official.

They were using improper procedure, so we sudafed.

See sue, the, fed, pun


Sudafed- it relieves congestion and potentially sounds like a girls name "Sue Dafed." This is in reference to a female that makes sure that her male partner does not experience painful vasocongestion (aka "Blue Balls"). Basically, the anti-thesis of Blue Balls. Most males would consider it a good thing to meet Sudafed -She will make sure you are "relieved." Or, it could simply be a girl that you tricked into believing blue balls was an actual serious medical condition and subsequently took care of your "business."

Yeah last night was kicking, I meet me a little sudafed and I am feeling all cleared up this morning, no more congestion.

See blue balls, vasocongestion, relief, congestion


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