
What is Sudbury?


a mostly white town where the only people hoo have not gotten drunk by 7th grade are the computer geeks

there's more drugs in sudbury than in da projects cuz every1 can afford it


1) a town outside of boston where young wives show off their new money by zipping around town in a new beemer,range rover or audi and gloating about their new, custom made mcmansion that their husband is paying for.

2) where the cars in the parking lot of the high school collectively cost more than it did to build the new high school

3) a well off community where most come from money and those who dont pretend they do. Lovely area with alot of history

4) Lincoln Sudbury Regional High School, also known as drinkin' drugsbury, rival of acton boxborough high

Girl: woah, did you see that woman almost side swipe me in the range?

Girl's Friend: totally a sudbury soccer mom.

See ma, trophy wife, mass, suburb, money


a small town in massachusetts where 'rich' rhymes with 'bitch' for a reason. the kind of place where you will find a lovely forest filled with big old pines, an adorable little stream, and a clay pit that is way too much fun to play in, and then come back the next year and find it has been replaced by a neighborhood of overpriced, ugly mansions. the most exciting thing to do is hang out at the comunity pool or CVS. don't be surprised when you hear how four 8th graders got pregnant last year, or how the cops assumed a black girl was from Boston and searched her for marijuana. it's that kind of drama that makes sucksbury so special

-Why does everyone in Sudbury gossip so much?

-Because drama is the only thing that gives them meaning in their lives, other than getting high and drinking that is

See sudbury, drama, rich, snobby


A rich, smallish town in Eastern Massachusetts with absolutely nowhere to go and nothing to do. The favorite passtimes of the citezens of Sudbury include:

-Getting lost in the ridiculously large High School

- Laughing at stupid Freshman getting lost in the ridiculously large High School

-Counting/ Spending/ Admiring/ Sniffing/ Swimming in a pool of their money.

I live in Sudbury, AKA Sucksbury.

See massachusetts, ma, lincoln-sudbury, sudbury


A town surrounded by smaller towns. Everyone there is either drunk or stoned, yay. Smaller towns include Valley East, Falconbridge, Azilda and Copper Cliff.

Hey guys, lets go get drunk and stoned in Sudbury.


Sudbury is a freakin' rich town with a bunch of sluts. There is a very small percentage of decent (clothing or otherwise) people in this town and most of them are viewed as freaks and end up leaving and already hate the town. Girls are amazingly sluttly and the guys are immature (but pretty hot). Many members of the band Girl Authority live in Sudbury. Chris Evens and his family live in sudbury along with a BUNCH of other famous people.

(quoted from a girl thats lives in sudbury) 'all my teachers are jelous of me because I am hotter than they were when they were kids. And I am hotter than all our guy teachers wives'

See sluts, girl authority, freaks, band


(Noun, Place) A boring, small town located in Massachusetts.

Characteristics include:

-Ridiculously large high school

-Lots of pot

-Nothing to do..=drinking

-party up

-(add to this def and add your ideas on sudbury, also known as "Sucksbury")

-over rated middle school kids

-strict middle school

-too many elementary schools

-LS warriors

Kid 1: Hey, those kids in Sudbury, haha, I mean Sucksbury, are totally dope! Let's go there on Friday Night!

Kid 2: Nah, dude, haven't you been to the high school?! It smells like pot, lots of drinking,, I even heard you can get STDs off the walls!!!

Kid 1: Oh snap!

See lincoln, sudbury, lincoln-sudbury, ma, boring


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