
What is Sudo?


A Linux/UNIX command (short for SuperUser DO) allowing a user to execute a command that normally only the superuser (root) can perform.

I never login to my server as root, so I had to use sudo to reset your password.

See linux, unix, computers, operating systems, pseudo


Put in front of any word, spoken or writen, and it will command anyone to do anything you want them to do.

This command line may only work with linux geeks, if it doesn't work for you, you do not love Tux enough!

Man: Get me my beer

Woman: No, get it yourself

Man: Sudo Get me my beer

Woman: ffs I hate being compelled to get it.

See linux, power, sudo, world domination, su


'Kind of' or 'sort of'

I sudo slept in this morning.

See pseudo, kind of, sort of, not really, momp


One who complains endlessly, possibly in frustration of only having one testicle

Man that faggot is Sudoing about priests again

See idk


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