
What is Suffocation?


An underrated band that combines elements of death and grind, yielding a genre called 'brutal death metal.' You may be able to tell by the genre name, but if you listen to their shit, it's pretty fucking heavy. Another example of why Relapse is one of the best damn labels the metal genre has ever seen. (See also Nile, Mastodon, Nasum and Pig Destroyer)

I was going to listen to Suffocation tonight, but I realized I was wearing new pants, and I didn't want to shit in them like I usually do when I listen to said band.


1. An underated veteran death metal band from New York formed in the late 80's. They make techincal and brutal, with elements of grindcore, and speed metal fathering a new subgenre.

2. The best death metal band ever.

Suffocation released Effigy of the Forgotten in 1991.


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