
What is Sug?


term used by mainly southern women to compliment someone or to ease a harsh comment.

Hey sug, how are ya!?

sug, that looks so ugly.

See sug, sugar, sweet, flirty


SUG - Smug Unemployed Guy, use in the same context you would use terms like yuppie, nymbie etc

SUG is used to define someone who is happily unemployed and infact "smug" at the thought that they have a very comfortable life whilst not working. Quite likely to grow food in the garden and keep chickens. Maybe claim to be self employed but never actually do any work, to "smug" to work.

Very possible that the partner works to support the household.

See unemployed, guy, smug


a super unathletic girl

ohmigosh... look at that sug right there.

she sucks at pretty much every sport.

See super, girl, sug, s.u.g.


1. Suck, in norwegian.

2. Same. Only another reason.

1. Fan, æ hate dæ fordi du sug.

(Shit, I hate you, cause you suck.)

2. Sug kuken min hore.

(Suck my willy, bitch.)

See suck, suge, hore, mordi, steffen


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