
What is Sugar?



1. another word for "kiss"

2. an expression of love

"Gimme some sugar, bay-bee!" Mmmm-maH!


A gift from God that for some reason rots your teeth.

What's better than sugar? Nothing.




A sweet flavored, grainy substance used to add flavor to beverages and baked goods.

I like my coffee with cream and sugar.


African-american vernacular used to describe the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.

My mama been doin' better ever since she started takin' pills for her sugar.

See grohl


That stuff your old, southern grandma asks you to give her when you come to visit.

Come or' heernt and give your grandma some sugar.


best SOAD song EVER.

I'm not there all the time ya know, some people, some people, some people call it insane! yeah they call it insane sugar!

See KB


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