Sugar Alcohol

What is Sugar Alcohol?


sumthin they use in candy instead of sugar,usually for people who care more about losing weight instead of dealing with an exploding ass for a couple of days. known to have a laxative effect causing exploding diarrhea(brown water),diarrhea farts, and cramping along with total humiliation if u are in public after the consumption.

if you by any candies with sugar alcohols, u might want to stay within 20 feet of a bathroom and do not plan any hot dates.

"when i bought sugar free peanut butter cups,i ate the whole bag. about an hour later i had to run to the bathroom grabbing my butt cheeks so the butt water wouldnt get on the carpet. i let out the most explosive diarrhea ever. this experience usually occurs within an hour or two after the consumption of them. this can happen about 10 times a day."

See diarrhea, laxative, alcohol, explosive, flatulence


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