Sugar Cookie

What is Sugar Cookie?


When a woman sits on the beach in a bikini (or nude) and sand accumulates on her buttocks. Named after the actual bakers confection.

Gonna get me a sugar cookie...

See bmw


When you are having sex on the beach; you finish all over the girl, grab a hand full of sand and throw it on her and the sand sticks to your baby batter.

We were at the beach and I gave my girlfriend a sugar cookie, she loved it."

See sugar, cookie, sand, batter, suger


When a man is watching another man strip at a strip club and slips one of his fingers in the stripers ass hole. (and probably smells it!)

Hey sexy stripper guy i want to give you a sugar cookie.

See sugar, ass, cookie, finger


its just a cool thing to say and whenever someone says it you just have to laugh.

Jew whispered to hippie,"sugar cookie" and he started to laugh out loud in class.


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