Sugar Faced

What is Sugar Faced?


An alternative to getting drunken on the weekends. Where mass amounts of sugar are eaten, to the point of getting some what of a sugar high and/or getting sick. The sources vary from soda to pudding to maple syrup. A revolutionary idea started by a small group of boys from school named Heritage Christian, in Anchorage Alaska that is spreading to other schools in the area!

Ahh man lets get sugar faced! Ayo I'll get the soda!

See facing, sugar high


An alternative to getting drunken on the weekends. Where mass amounts of sugar are eaten, to the point of getting some what of a sugar high and/or getting sick. The sources vary from soda to pudding to maple syrup. A revolutionary idea started by a small group of boys from school named Heritage Christian, in Anchorage Alaska!

Ahh man lets get sugar faced! Yeah i'll go get some liters of soda!

See facing, faced, sugar high


An alternative to getting drunken on the weekends. Where mass amounts of sugar are eaten, to the point of getting some what of a sugar high and/or getting sick. The sources vary from soda to pudding to maple syrup. A revolutionary idea started by a small group of boys from school named Heritage Christian, in Anchorage Alaska!

Ahh man lets get sugar faced! Yeah i'll go get some liters of soda!

See faced, sugar high, facing


An alternative to getting drunken on the weekends. Where mass amounts of sugar are eaten, to the point of getting some what of a sugar high and/or getting sick. The sources vary from soda to pudding to maple syrup. A revolutionary idea started by a small group of boys from school named Heritage Christian, in Anchorage Alaska!

Ahh man lets get sugar faced! Yeah i'll go get some liters of soda!

See faced, sugar high


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