Sugar Free

What is Sugar Free?


Without a significant other. Applies in both the short term and the long term. After a break-up, one is sugar free until they find another. One can also be deemed sugar free if they are out without their boyfriend/girlfriend for the evening. Though acceptable in use by both genders, a male's usage would generally cause him to be considered gay.

Short term: Girls, let's go out and get our drink on. I am sugar free tonight.

Long term: Gotta find me a man. Can't stay sugar free forever.

See sugarfree, dick


a tease; someone who will lead you on but in the end delivers no lovin', or sugar

Don't waste your time with her, man. It may seem like you're about to seriously hook up, but she's really sugar free. You'll end up brokeand in a cold shower.

See sugar, suga, tease, ho


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