Sugar Glider

What is Sugar Glider?


Greatest animal ever. Small, cute, fuzzy, australian ninja squirrels.

Awww, that sugar gliders so cute!

See australian, ninja, squirrels, awesome, suger, sugar, glider


a small marsupial that glides around. come in a variety of color and are very cute and cuddly. ^^

sugar gliders are not only cuter than hamsters, they'll eat em. ^^


An adorable flying mammal found in southern Autralia and parts of Indonesia. Most people mistake it for a flying squirrel, but it is actually a relative of the opossum. Suagr gliders are steel grey with black stripes, and grow to be no bigger than that of the average squirrel. Suggies are very social and loveable creatures and live longer in captivity than in the wild. They love to climb on things, like little hanging toys and nets on the ceiling. And in their world, there's never too many toys! ^^

I am soon going to be the proud owner of a sugar glider named Erebus. :D

See indonesia, australia, opossum, squirrel


cute, yes, fuzzy, yes, loving, yes...lots of work. something dumb people buy thinking it's like a hamster and have to get rid of because they didn't know what they were getting into. come in many different colors, including but not limited to the traditional black beauties and grays, but come in buttercream, albino, leu', champagne, etc. cool animals for people that don't just buy them from the fair and know what is involved with raising a furbutt. they need alot of attention. as in two hours a morning and night (as they are nocturnal, we're talking very late and very early alot of the time). they also need specialized diets you have to make yourself. you can't pull a paris hilton and get a new one every week.

brie: you look tired. up studying for the final?

nam: nah man...had to stay up past midnight to play with my sugar glider.

brie: pff, sounds like too much work.

nam: you wouldn't understand. it's a glider slave thing.

See fuzzbutt, furbutt, suggie, sugar baby, nammy


A young female at or around the age of 18 who often lies about her age in order to gain entry to bars in order to flirt/hook up with older guys. Often found in a bar, the name stems from the Sugar Glider's tendency to be fairly new to the world of alcohol, and as a result, she can often be found drinking the most sickeningly sweet concoctions available at the bar, and will refuse beer of any kind. Accompanied by older siblings that helped sneak her in, the Sugar Glider's companions often are too drunk or preoccupied to realize she is masquerading as a 21 year old college junior. The Sugar Glider's main targets are healthy looking males in the 21-26 age range. The damage is twofold: 1) The unsuspecting male may run into very serious legal problems depending on the actual age of the sugar glider. 2) The companions will take flak from friends and family the next day for allowing the Sugar Glider out of their sight long enough to create trouble. If you suspect you have encountered a Sugar Glider, it is best to playfully attempt to verify her age by looking at her ID, asking her companions her age, or by asking her questions about things in life outside of high school. Sugar Gliders often exhibit signs of being drunker and louder than anyone else in the bar, and are known for often spilling their drinks on the floor or other people and playfully squealing "Ohhhh maaah gawwwd. I'm sooo sorrrry!".

I made out with some chick at the bar last night. It's a good thing things didn't go any further because she turned out to be a Sugar Glider.

See sugar, glider, cougar, leopard, puma, mountain lion, female, young, jailbait, irritating, loud


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