Sugar Pants

What is Sugar Pants?


Referring to one's sexual habits. A whore. Good in bed.

Liz: What's that chick doin' over there

Karly: She'z workin' the block.

Liz: UH! She's such a sugar pants.

Karly: But you want her.

Liz: Yea, I know..

See slut, whore, ho, hoe, biatch


Referring to one's sexual habits. A whore. Good in bed.

Liz: What's that chick doin' over there

Karly: She'z workin' the block.

Liz: UH! She's such a sugar pants.

Karly: But you want her.

Liz: Yea, I know..

See slut, whore, ho, hoe, biatch


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