
What is Sugarman?


(noun) 1. a dude who whoops, hollas and cheers "you go girl" to himself while working out. 2. one who annoys others by being flamboyant3. one who is the rightful target of retribution by others.

(verb) 1. to bitch slap

noun: Stop acting like a Sugarman or I will jack you.

verb: I will Sugarman your ass, pussy.

See flamboyant, spin class, bitch slap, jack you up, wuss


The man that likes sugar. Simple.

Stu "hey santi, how much sugar is in this?"

Santi "well 23g to be precise"

Stu "sure sugarman..........."

Santi "gimmie sugar NOW!"

See sugar, man, stu, santi


Unwelcome advance by a creepy guy.

I thought he was real polite till we got in the car, then he turned into a complete sugarman - hands all over me.



hooray for jesus

what a fag... whoops i mean sugarman i <3 homos lol


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