
What is Sugi?


pronounced SOO(as in "soon")-GEE(as in "geese"); used to describe someone or something who is very pretty, and knows it too.

Damn, that girl is sugi!

Did you see that sugi dunk by Dwyane Wade?

I wish all these Christmas lights were so sugi!

See sugi, suki, sookie, sooki


an indian folk dance derived from young teen BMM's an epidemic which has spread through NY streets....NPHS halls...and who knows where can't stop the craze

1. Let's go SUGI

2. What are those BMMers doing?

- Oh...just sugi-ing


an india folk dance that is uncontrolably cool and young teens break out in it while roaming NY streets or NPHS halls...its crazy...try it

1. Hey, let's go sugi

2. What are they doing?...ohhh just normal kids..


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