Suicidal Orgasm

What is Suicidal Orgasm?


Recently i've come to realise that there are quite a few more people who get depressive feeling's than you may realise; If you dont know what im talking about you prob dont get them, for those who do they will understand and maybe this will prove to them that they're not alone. It comes from nowhere, anytime of the day.. Suddenly you become overwhelmed by something strange that you dont understand, I think we all know why we get depressed but everyone is different. I't makes you wish you didnt exist in a way, and I find it hard to continue working when i get it. So, today i decided this phenomenon needs a name!.. Considiring that it comes from nowhere and hits you like a glass door.. I decided to call it the.. Suicidal Orgasm

I just had a Suicidal Orgasm..

See suicidal, orgasm, suicide, orgasmic, depression


I asked my friend who's boyfriend recently died how he died.

She said he died during them having "intercourse"

I call that a suicidal orgasm.

Girl: Does that feel good Bob... Bob!!!!!!!!!

Omg... suicidal orgasm

See suicide, relationships, sex, death, intercourse


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