Suicide Bomber

What is Suicide Bomber?


A person who blows himself up, in order to kill innocent people.

The suicide bomber blew himself... he must be double-jointed.


A man wired with explosives that detonates himself in the name of a certain cause.

Another suicide bomber blew himself up in Tel Aviv today.


a dumb fuck who beleives it is right to explode himself to kill innocent people. Normally arabs. They do it to serve "allah" and the kids do it because they are brainwashed and need to earn their family some money for their life. The stupid bastards are paid to do that shit by terrorists which they have eventually become. They are the biggest treat to man-kind and must be terminated.

That stupid suicide bomber blew up after the dumass was shot by a smart soldier. Good work.


1) The sole Muslim contribution to the world in last 1000 years.

2) An effective method to fight those evil, opressing, unarmed civilians.

3) Attention whoring at its' finest.

"Look at me! I'm a suicide bomber!"

See suicide, bomber, civilians, muslim, world, live long and prosper


cheap fuckers that cant aford a decent bomb with a remote detanator

that suicide bomber must be real proud now he is not even around to celabrate

See suicide bomber, turks


When a man takes the used condom off and blows it up, then pops it over the lucky bitches head.

Your mom passed out after a ruff night and so i gave her the old suicide bomber


aka a terrorist aka a person who uses violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Al-Queda suicide bombers killed thousands of New Yorkers on 9-11-01.

See M


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