Suicide Search

What is Suicide Search?


When you're looking for specific information on a search engine site and you either a) type in keywords that are so vague, you're guaranteed not to find what you're looking for, or b) you type in something that could be misconstrued so something completely different come up (usually beause it was too vague.)


Person1: I need to look up information for my book report. "Search: Harry Potter."

Person2: Whoah, dude. That's a major suicide search. Try "Search: Harry Potter, chapters 1-5."


Person: I think my dog might be going blind. Let's see, "Search: Blind Dogs." ..."Dogs for the blind, Dogs helping the blind, Dogs leading the blind..." Oops. "Search: Symptoms for Dogs going blind." ...There we go. Stupid Suice Search...

See suicide, search, google, yahoo, internet


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