Suicide Sunday

What is Suicide Sunday?


The Sunday following a hefty Saturday night bender. After a long night of drinking, the person usually wakes up at around 2:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, and feels so sick and depressed that suicide looks like a very attractive option to end the day.

I did nothing on Saturday night except for chugging 8 beers and a 26 of rye. And Sunday... well let me tell you it was one hell of a Suicide Sunday.

See drinking, liquor, suicide, sunday, hangover


The first day after the official end of exams at Cambridge University. Students spend the day initiating & going to garden parties. Usually carnageous.

I am so sick of exams - I can't wait till Suicide Sunday!

See alcohol, celebration, excitement, parties, university


the sunday before Memorial day & Labor day since nobody works on the following monday.It's drinking so much that its like your trying to kill your self and well worth it. nothin matters on that day just bellinis and a nice day.

It's gonna be a Suicide Sunday this weekend nobody works man, cant wait to get wasted.

See gonna, funday, fundae, drunky


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