Suicide Swallow

What is Suicide Swallow?


This is a sex act where you secretly strap a suicide bomb to yourself before a girl goes down on you. You allow her to blow you for a while. Then right when you finish cumming down her throat, and as you still have your dick as far down her gullet as you can, you blow yourself up. Boy will she be surprised. Caution here fellas. Be careful as you blow yourself up that she does not clench her teeth and bite your dick off. That would hurt. This was perfected in Afghanistan by the Taliban and now the most popular sex act among Islamic extremists. After you try it once, you'll never want to go back to the old way.

Abdul could not wait to get his 72 virgins in heaven, so he did the suicide swallow to his sister. His sister did not mind. All in the name of religion. What could be a greater cause then that.

See blow job, plumpkin, dirty sanchez, houdini, facial, deep throat


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