
What is Suited?


Having cards sharing the same suit, such as your pocket cards in Texas Hold Em or your first three cards in Seven Card Stud.

Poker pro Phil Hellmuth is rumored to have made a large prop bet that AK off-suit is a pre- flopfavorite over AK suited.

See suited connectors, texas hold em, omaha, seven card stud, poker


The act of getting high, usually referenced to smoking Kind Bud.

Shit, I got suited before I came over.


adjectiveTo match clothing top to bottom, including hat, shoes, jewelry and other apparel. Originated by Bay Area underground rapper Jack Capers.


Fit, Fitted, Buttered, Dipped, Dipped In Butter, Saucy, Matching

1:"Looking suited like a pair of clubs" 2:"That boy is suited" 3:"Man, I'm gonna be suited tonight"

See suited, fit, dipped, buttered, saucy, clothes, shirt, hat, pants, shoes, jewelry


In the act of Gettin' buck, ready ta fight.--Dressin up ta fight wit yo actions.

Ash:....And dnt tryn steal my color

Me: I hope u aint tryna Get Suited shawty!!

See suited, buck, crunk, hyphy, fight


adv: Definitely, certainly, very, or obviously; derived from its usage in poker. sometimes abbreviated as "suits".

(See also obv, obvies)

'We going to Ruby Tuesday tonight?' 'Suited.'

See suits, obv, obvies, double-suited, suited connectors


to be fine, ok, generally good...

suited is fine... Big L

See aiight, straight, good, chilling, parlaying


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