
What is Suits?


The supervisorial types who don't do anything real. Bosses.

"The suits think we take too many smoke breaks."

"They can blow it out their bung hole."



Suits is a dis-affectionate tearm for people who are bussines men, government workers, for example the CIA, FBI and other three letter government officials.

It is also used to describe corporate exsecutives who, in their time, have earned themselves a reputation for buerocracy and calousness. It is not un-natural that they are treated with disdain and are some of the most corrupt and lothable people in history. Anarchists pray for their downfall, but then again so does everyone who is'nt them.

Thouh they are apparently wealthy and well-to-do the suicide rate of suits is on the increase. Either they grew some morals or they have learnt something we don't know! 0.0!

"I'm a man of bussines, those tree-huggers and liberal jerk-offs can shove it! I'm not concerned with pretty flowers or some indangered species of rat. I've got workers to suppress and money to eat."


members of the fbi irs cia or any other 3 leter goverment angencey that ware suits instead of uniforms

the suits are on to me

See tom


northern homosexual who uses 'cycling' as an acronym for dubious private practices, including the shaving of ones body. most likely to be seen in bars of ill repute or in belgian fields particating in aforementioned practices.

Ron Davies

See Jury


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