
What is Suko?


messed up with style

pronounced shoe-koe.

*crazy girl/guy runs in room and yells "RED PICKLES!"*

you (to friend): yo that girl/guy was so suko!

See random, retarded, cool, unique, reject


Someone who does not have a reason against something. And still believes it is bad at the present time.

This insult was once introduced by AK at the time when people needed it. The target of this insult can never be different from AK himself, though, time passes when people started to realize that this is the exact term that describes the Suko situation above.

- Do you like to party?

- No!

- Why not?

- I don't know.

- Do you have a reason?

- No!

- Then what tha?

- Whatever.

This guy is a Suko.

See GL


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