
What is Sully?



A short version for the last name Sullivan. Usually used as a nick name.

1. Hey Sully, hows it going?


Get a girl mid-orgasm, pass out drunk and pee inside of her.

"I've been cleaning piss out of my vagina all day because some asshole gave me a Sully last nite."

See piss, sex, vagina, sully, asshole, pee, drunk


A term used to identify or describe a person who has gone beyond the impossible to save your ass, or the ass of others, generally non-deserving folk(s) or at a minimum the situation was so bad that a complete hat trick was never in the cards. Named specifically for Chelsey "Sully" Sullenberger, the pilot who successfully and without any outward signs of stress landed US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River in January 2009, saving the lives all crew and passengers aboard. Not just anyone can be a Sully, however: designating or describing someone as a "Sully" requires that they not just perform (for all practical purposes) a sincere "no problem, thats my job," or "its ok, that's what I'm trained for" just another day at the office type of miracle, but thereafter must maintain the fundamental poise and character of the real Sully, a man who not only shunned the spotlight but submitted a request to his local library that they consider waiving the late fees on the book he was carrying on that US Airways flight, (which of course ended up at the bottom of the Hudson) -- on the subject of (no surprise) professional ethics.

There is no way we can tell our investors that this whole fund has been one giant fraud, any chance we can find a Sully?

OMG, it was such a clusterfuck there was no way I could fix it before the client showed up ~ if Bob hadn't been my Sully I don't know what would've happened.

See bin laden, santa claus


A charismatic,but cheeky person with the power to annoy and entertain people around the worldn be random and unpredictable at the best of times.

a ''sully'' is sitting in the corner.girl sits down with a lot of food.

sully:woah,take it easy on the munch there.

girl:are u calling me fat?

sully:are you calling me a liar?

See crazy, random, annoying, unpredictable, clown


Another word for money, sick, dirty or any other phrase which describes something good.

The stripper I got a lapdance from was sully!

See money, sick, crenshaw, horrible, worthless, Scott


The description of someone who Ski Boards. Someone who is very untalented or doesn't have the balls to do real skiing or snowboarding.

Person 1: That new kid, Chett, he's such a fucking Sully!

Person 2: Really? Does he ski board?

Person 1: Yeah.

Person 2: Wow, what a stupid motherfucker!

See retarded, gay, bro, lame


a male child who strangely resembles shirley temple and will not shut the fuck up. Most teachers hate "sully" and wish him to never speak again. A "Sully" will frequently ask stupid questions that will either end up in a very short sentence, or a reprimand for asking something so stupid (if a reprimand occurs a "Sully" will give a long, unnecessary explanation of what was going on through his mind when he asked the question). Somehow he manages to pull good grades out of his ass. He also embarrasses himself in front of others and then when laughed at he says, "I did it on purpose to get a laugh."

NOTE: "Sully" is capable of saying "you know" 14 times in a short monologue.

Sully, shut the fuck up!

See indefatigable, annoyance, sullivan, central, pittsburgh


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