What is Sum?
a lazy persons way of writing the word 'some' also one of those idiot who likes making things shorter by taking of the last letter of last few letters
some = sum
dumb = dum
some = sum
dumb = dum
person1:'whos that?'
person2:'oh, its just sum dum idiot'
a big and huggable teddybear
"and then, this guy sum, started crying like a big teddybear"
A game where when someone says something stupid and you get to hit them on the head for it. After someone says the stupid statement, you immediately say "That's sum." while rubbing your fingers in the air like the sign for paying money.
Mick, "I drank 7 out of the last 5 days"
Al & Calvin, "That's sum, asshole (rubbing fingers in the air)."
then Al & Calvin each get to slap mick on the top of the head.
'really' or 'very'
'thats sum cool!' or 'hes sum hot!'
A guy with a huge mule who likes to talk dirty to women.
Look at Sum, he's a stud.
A homo who eats lots of veggie burgers (AKA homoburgers) and likes to play with himself.
He also may wear too much cologne and and have a very deep voice.
Look at Sum, he's so gay.