
What is Summit?


I am from Summit. I know "the city" as nothing else but New York. I don't go to the beach, I go to the shore. I started drinking at 13 and have been going strong since. I know drinking doesnt have to wait until the weekend. I know I will probably end up at Broadway Diner after every party. Beirut is called Beirut; Beer Pong is played with a fucking PADDLE. I know The Office isnt a work place, its great food; and I cant wait for the day to be able to go, "on the other side" there. A night of drinking is 10-15 beers not 3-6 like other towns. I know we always have and always will, own the sport of lacrosse. When someone refers to, The Twins, Im thinkin Dwayne and Dwight, not Coors Light, and Im not the only one. I know exactly where, the flag pole is and cops come by all public parks at 10 pm. We all drink and drive, simply becausewe would never be able to drive. Hot dog people are Asian, no exceptions. I cringe at the thought that we have to drive into New Prov to get to Joses. I know when someone asks me for a solo, they mean a red cup to drink beer from not a fucking song. And no matter how hard I try, I just cant seem to park my car any closer to a housethan around the corner. and across the street. If its not an AP class, its sped. My goal in life is to FBC (and I know what those letters stand for). I know that the best black and white milkshakes come directly from Magic Fountain. I know that Tatlock parking lot is the unofficial meeting spot when we have nothing to do. I know that a 30 minute lunch period is JUST enough to make a deli run and get back with a sub and a half-and-half. When someone says, money, they arent referring to currency. Ive sat in detention, for morning lates. Going on a run, involves a trip to Springfield, a fake ID from the city and a 30 packnot running shoes. I know Summit is the best town in the US, and even though I have no idea what a Hilltopper is, I am proud to call it home.

Welcome to Summit Bitches

See summit, shore, beirut, sports, drinking


the home of magic fountain.

i only go to summit for magic fountain.

See summit, chatham, ice, cream


the epitome of the 70's, sex, drugs and rock and roll. This town breeds athletes and weed. The money that passes through this town is more than some chatham kid is worth. This town is definetly the at the top, hence the name.

Check the scoreboard of every lacrosse game

See B.E.Z


tiny little city in New Jersey that is the ultimate epitome of coolness. An affluent white suburb of New York that specializes in snobbery, country clubbing, and discrimination. Also in close proxmity to Short Hills (location of one of the most prestigious malls on the planet.)

Random person: I'm from Summit

Other random person: OMG!!! I MUST WORSHIP YOU!!!!

Omg lets go to summit we can meet a CEO

who works on wal street marry him bang him and free load

See emily


The epitome of modern-day American hedonism. Like anything else, you can't apply stereotypes to everyone, but it is safe to say that drinking is Summit's past-time. The education is fantastic, the houses larger, the parties wilder--all because of the influx of money from Wall Street financiers. High school football is popular, despite the fact that they haven't won a game in two years. The kids themselves are nice--that I have realized--but the town corrupts them. It is a terrible town in all facets but the material. Boredom reigns supreme, and kids live in the happiness of their childhoods (was that really the best part of their lives?). Perhaps the best thing about Summit is that you can hop on the train and escape to New York.

Unfortunately there is no River Ouse in Summit, so Virginia must find some other way of drowning herself.

I advised my friend not to bring his daughter to Summit unless he truly desired her to grow up a drunk and a slut.

Thankfully, Summit is not nearly half as disgusting as those foul brats on "My Super Sweet Sixteen"; but that does not mean it is any less hedonistic.

See scummit, sumit, new york, Virginia Woolf


tiny little city in New Jersey that is the ultimate epitome of coolness.

Random person: I'm from Summit

Other random person: OMG!!! I MUST WORSHIP YOU!!!!


Summit- A slang for something, actually, its a native slang for something, comming all the way from Thompson Manitoba

So, you wanna go down my pants or summit?

So you wanna go driving around or summit?

See David


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