What is Sunk?
The state of being stoned and drunk. Feeling that your sinking even though you arent moving.
Bro I was so sunk last night. I had no idea what was going on.
The state of being both stoned and drunk. The feeling of sinking when you arent moving do to the intoxication of the brain.
I was so sunk last night that I have no idea how I got home.
v. - past participle of
I already sunk my iPhone today.
A transition state of being drunk and sober. More often than not, this is felt after a 3, 4, more day binge when the user has become adapt to a drunkness state making him/her sunk and lost until the sunkness passes.
Kristen: "Ever since Brian had his birthday he has been drinking."
Ryan: "Yeah, I know, I saw him yesterday at lunch eating and I'm pretty sure he's sunk of his ass.
Used with a negative connotation expressing negative motion (physical or figurative)
Jake: Dude, Shaun fucked my girlfriend!
Dave: Awe shit son, his ass is SUNK! Lets go bust a cap in his punk ass.
Sunk aka cool. Shaun Johnston was teh creator, thanks shaun.
Man that chick, she be sunk.