What is Super Calli Fredgulistic Ex Pe Alli Doschus?


Actually spelled: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, but you guys got it close enough.

Who in the heck made up the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious anyway?


some random word that stevo n dan got from marry poppins

super calli fredgulistic ex pe alli doschus is a cool word


i think it means something is really great.

Actually, PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS (45 letters; a lung disease caused by breathing in certain particles) is the longest word in any English-language dictionary.


1.)a nonsense word meaning fantastic; also called supercalifragilistic

popularized by the movie `Mary Poppins'

2.)a word in which children and freshman boys tease eachother with and dare each other to say five times really fast.

Oh and its spelled supercalifragilisticexpialidocious dumb shits

This meatloaf is super calli fredgulistic ex pe alli doschus mom!


Dude? Dare me to say supercalifragi-...watever that mary poptarts thing is five times really fast?

See fantastic, dude, disney, entertainment


longest word ever know to man. You would say this when something good or great just happened or is going to happen.

1.) This pie is super calli fredgulistic ex pe alli doschus.

2.) I have a feeling this is going to be the super calli fredgulistic ex pe alli doshus time of my life!

See Your Mom


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