Super Mario

What is Super Mario?


The star of Super Mario Brothers. An icon to gamers worldwide.

He takes shrooms and gets beefed, saves the princess, gets laid, and goes home to fix household plumbing systems.

Mario's a drugged-up, pimped-out plumber.


you're not serious, are you?

if you don't know who super mario is, you deserve to get hit with a rock.

See mario, shroom, bowser, luigi


(N.) A 4 foot, 200lb. Italian Plumber from Brookyn, NY who's been in about 30 video games. The plumber, who's said to be in his early 40's today, is the mascot of Nintendo, as well as their oldest employee (next to Donkey Kong Sr.)

Today, I was a tad disapointed when I played Super Mario sunshine.


Super Mario is a pop-culture icon from around the 80's to 90's and was the star of Donkey Kong and Super Mario World. Since his introduction into the world by nintendo, he has become an icon to gamers worldwide, from people who hang around on the internet all day, to fat losers who won't get laid until they're 40. Mario's marketing would give Satan a boner. But all in all, Mario is still one of gaming's beloved icons.

"It's a-me, Mario! I'm a-gonna rip a-you a new ass-a-hole!!

Luigi: "oh, you stereotypical bastard, you!"


The super icon of Nintendo that takes shrooms to grow big while jumping around on bad guys, usually in very high strides. He also breaks blocks with his head, presumably he knows karate. No womder he kicks bowser's ass so much.

A saint who takes shrooms and hallucinates the weirdiest things while still being kid-friendly.

Bowser: Mha ha ha, I have captured the princess (again) and the stars.

*Super Mario walks in*

Bowser: Sh**

*Gets his ass kicked...again*

See mario, bowser, super, princess peach, memory


A fuckin pimp!

Super Mario, despite his weight, macks it with the princess.

See super, mario, super mario, video games, games


An Italian man who can lay pipe with the best of 'em; very proficient at cleaning out any faulty plumbing.

Super Mario came by last night and now I'm sore! That fucker can lay some pipe!


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