Super Perfundo

What is Super Perfundo?


Super Perfundo

Super- Slang. very; extremely or excessively

Perfundo- Latin. To bathe, flood, Soak, or Imbue

Super perfundo

Originates from the movie, Waking Life.

Wiley: Yeah, man. Well, I gotta go man.

John: Ok, later man. Super perfundo on the early eve of your day.

Wiley: What's that mean?

John: Well you know, I've never figured it out. Maybe you can. This guy always whispers it in my ear. Lewis.....he's a reoccurring dream character.

Lewis really means that he wants John to be inspired, whether he is inspired by the day unfolding on it's own accord or he takes it upon himself to indulge in information that will inspire.

See inspire, motivate, stir


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