Super Rad

What is Super Rad?


The super-ness of rad-ness: when something is so sweet and so extreme that it must have a phrase invented all for itself.

A phrase used (and probably originated) by the most rockin, rollin, skanking band of insaneness, The Aquabats. Super Rad is a name of one of their greatest and earliest songs.

The phrase Super Rad is a pretty fair way of expressing divine awsomeness.

1) "Hey bro ya know that band the Aquabats, well they are pretty freaking Super Rad."

2) " Hey man did you see Jerry's new shoes, well i must say they are exquisitly Sper Rad"

3) Tell your mom, Tell your dad, We were Super Rad

See awsomeness, sweetness, aquabats, bari sax, alto sax


Beyond rad, surprassing even skott

Man he is super rad.

See Kasper


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