Super Saiyan 2

What is Super Saiyan 2?


As if the Super Saiyan level itself was not advanced enough, the Saiyan can still extend his or her power more and more as they progress in the Super Saiyan levels.This level of a Saiyan (S.S.2) is far more powerful than the Super Saiyan, and has grown longer hair.The hair is not much longer, but it's a noticeable difference.The muscles are not as buldged out as the full power of a Super Saiyan, and this enables the fighter to be faster, and stronger when necessary. The known fighters to reach this advanced level of Super Saiyan 2 are Gohan during the Cell battle, Vegeta when under the influence of Babidi, Goku when fighting Vegeta, when Goku and Vegeta fuse for the first time into Gogeta, and when Goku and Vegeta fuse for the second time to form Vegeto

Goku has gone beyond Super Saiyan 2

See 4eva


The next stage of a Super Saiyan. The hair is spiker and stands on its end, with electricity surrounding the Saiyan. First acheived by Gohan, who got enraged that Cell was hurting his friends

" His power is incredible!", said Piccolo, amazed

See 4eva


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