Super Smash Brothers

What is Super Smash Brothers?


Great n64 and gamecube game. nic and cbassare especially good at it.

I wish I was good at Super Smash Brothers

See N


Most likley the greatest video game series ever invented by human hands. Playable characters include: Mario}, Link, Samus, Fox, pikachu,Marth, Ness, Captain Falcon,Ganondorf, Zelda, lcario, Kirby, Ike, Lucas, Bowser, Wario,Luigi, Mr. Game and Watch, Solid Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog

Super Smash Brothers kicks Halo's gay xbox ass

See super, smash, melee, brawl, mario, link, bowser, kirby, meta knight


awesome game on n64 and gamecube..soon to be on nintendo wii...the championship title (when you win a championship) is coveted by many..whoever holds it at a point in time is awesome..I hold it at the mo therefore I am awesome.

"Wow eddie you rock at super smash brothers I was as good as you"

-richard mcbride

See championship, eddie, rigz, tom, chris, mcbride, eddie


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