Superbowl Snafu

What is Superbowl Snafu?


The event during the Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show in which Justin Timberlake removed the right side of Janet Jackson's top, revealing her breast.

CBS apologized for Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake's Superbowl Snafu.

See Albert


the halftime show went situation normal all fucked up wen justin pulled out janets tit

a: whoa u see janets white tit?

b: that shit was some superbowl snafu


unexpected over-the-hill titilation

Inviting Janet Jackson to perform in the half time show was a major Superbowl Snafu!!


When a poop nuggets flies into a wang chung resulting in mass casualties of da bratwurst kind.

Jimmy was playing in da park when sum dood engaged into a superbowl snafu. It took 9 months of breast feeding to return him to his normal shelf.


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