
What is Supercool?


A very, very dangerous drug that is spreading all over america.

"Brandon got busted by the cops for trafficking SuperCool"



A cigarette, usually marijuana, laced with pcp.

Malcolm: Zounds, Terence, what type of tobacco is this?

Terence: You're smoking supercool, my unwitting young friend. Now please go into the 7-11 and purchase a package of Salems.

See dust, dusted, dipped, laced


So cool that you surpass coolness into Supercoolness.

That Joey guy is supercool!


Exceedingly bodacious, nifty, or flat-out kick-ass

Revived by Xavia/Frog several years ago.

1. Your maternal unit last night was, like, so totally supercool.


1. able to pwnz0r

2. able to deliver smackdown on any deb8er boi

1. Spiking out of any disad that can be run against the harms scenarios is so not supercool.

2. Our T on their squirrel in the 1NC was, like, soooo supercool.


See above, except now with correct example.

"Super Cool! We make this mostest legalest!"


The word 'supercool'is in popular use in the French tapes for the Key Stage 3 books Route National. Often is refers to something as being beyond the realms of ordinary coolness.

Le film était supercool!


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