
What is Superfag?


Function: noun

Etymology: Nietzsche: The Super+man 1880à Super=Fag 1998. Derived from a literature character of same name, 1998.

1: A Gay muscle man that gets irate and fights. The character usually fights for himself instead of others.

Superfag was ambushed in the restroom—he smashed the assailants into porcelain, and marked their asses before leaving. Superfag is near invincible.


A word used to describe something extremely feminine or effeminate when it should not be, according to the viewer. Depending on how it's used, it can be used to describe something good, or bad.

Fore example, it could be used simply to mean 'good' or 'cool'; or 'hideous' and 'disgusting'. It pretty much depends on the user.

Also used to describe someone who is extremely effeminate in character, particularly a male.

"Behold, the amazing superfag Mercury."

"Wow, that guy over there is so superfag."

"You're such a superfag! Your not in my cliche anymore!"

See Mercury


Superfag (noun), like a fag, cept super, think pink tights, purple cape and purple y fronts worn on the outside of the tights


He has three women going through menopause trapped inside his body, which explains his effeminate proclivities. (ie, wearing daisy dukes)

Everyone hates superfag because he's a jerk-off with deplorabe fashion taste and he doesn't know how to count.


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