Superiority Complex

What is Superiority Complex?


Feeling of superiority over everyone.

Jonny has a complete superiority complex. what a faggot.


When one person feels that their own personal value and importance is greater than it actually is.

Marie and Andrea are making buttons for a fundraiser.

Marie holds the button maker.

Andrea says smugly, "Oh please. Let me make that."

Marie makes a button, but she mistakenly does a wrong step and it comes out less than perfect.

Andrea makes a invidious face. "I told you I should have made that."

Now, class, is this an example of superiority complex?

See interesting, common, annoying, bothersome


Superiority complex refers to a subconscious neurotic mechanism of compensation developed by the individual as a result of feelings of inferiority.

The feelings of inferiority in this specific complex are often brought on by social rejection, possibly as a result of the individual's inattentiveness to hygiene, appearance, or lower intelligence as compared to others.


We also call people with Superiority Complexes overpowered Hunters.

See hunter, op, overpowered, gay, wow


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