What is Superman Bungee Manuver?


Attach bungee cord to ceiling. Have the naked girl turn unsidedown with her legs spread eagle. You may want to prop her up against something like a chair, pillow, etc. Have the male climb a ladder with the bungee attached to him and swoop down right into the hole like an eagle eyeing its prey. Swoop(going in for the kill), doink!!!(hitting your target) uhhhhh!!!(chick), woosh!!! (like superman flying away, he comes quick, satisfies your needs and before you know it he's gone). Note: must have good aim with pecker or else someone may get hurt, crunching your pecker on the floor, bed, chair may never let you have children. Created by wes tanya and matt

my dog was watching me perform the superman bungee maneuver on this hot chick, when the ceiling caved in and two heveanly bodies fell from the apartment above......we decided to have an orgy and do the filthy wes instead.


Talking about superman bungee manuver or crank that booty is absolutely the most disgusting thing that I have ever heard! And I've been round the world, couple of times, when I was younger. Now that I am a mother of 2 teenagers I RESENT the fact that you music industry has become like a COMMUNIST SOCIETY. You have taken away my right as a parent by creating these slangs which border line to - rape!

Talking about superman bungee manuver or crank that booty is absolutely the most disgusting thing that I have ever heard! If you masterbate on your partner when he/she says No to sex you are violating her right to choose, and your actions become a criminal act.

See molestation, incest, kiddie porn, pedifile


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